Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Extreme Body Mods In Japan

subdermal implants, ear surgery, elf ears, bod...
subdermal implants, ear surgery, elf ears, body piercing (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When someone asks you to think about body modification you probably instantly think about tattoos and body piercings. However, just recently a brand new type of extreme body modification has become a craze with the Japanese. They have taken body modification to a whole new level with something that has become known in the English speaking parts of the world as the “bagel head”.

Bagel heads have entirely grasped the imagination of a whole host of cheerless youthful citizens devoid of any sense of worth. Japan being the realm of strangeness and a location where their populace enjoy a good freak show, have dared to come up with a totally contemporary means of body modification which is universally known as a bagel head.
A saline suspension drip is infused by specialized piercers into a precise place, which brings about an exaggerated immune response by the body causing swelling and distension. Luckily, the saline jabs are not everlasting and the actual bagel contour only persists for in the region of twenty-four hours.

The places that are most commonly injected and the most prevalent body parts for creating these swellings are the forehead, a place where more often than not a couple of bagels are created and also the tops of the arms are injected to give the appearance of a Popeye style large bicep muscle.

As well as giving the impression of being a absolute fool and looking as if they require a dollop of cream cheese on their head swelling, this kind of extreme body modification may induce some side effects akin to headache, contamination, skin elasticity, a sensation of pressure, and giving the appearance of having a dodgy eye.

It looks as if, thanks to the Japanese the missing piece of the extreme body modification jigsaw has been discovered, but it does beg the question, what will they come up with next?

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